Saturday, April 18, 2015

the Molecule Mural - UPDATE

Phase One - Cafeteria installation Complete

here is actual evidence of the mural I'm working on at Northview,

I've done all of the jig saw work cutting the pieces and some of Mr. Belanger's students have cut the foundation - anchor discs. Students volunteering for their community hours have done the prepping and painting of the wooden pieces.

A total of 5 components (clusters) have been installed on the north wall of the cafeteria.
They are modular in nature and are composed of cut out 1/4 inch plywood molecules (underlay flooring material) with thermal colour prints mounted on black and white foam core and / or  'Plasti-core'.

All of the artworks that will be fixed to the 'foundation molecules' will be circular crops of photography and reproductions of traditional student artworks.

This allows the compositions as modular 'exhibits' to be flexible and easy to edit.

'Have been planning this for two years now and finally begun the installation. 

The mural should be completed by the end of June and next year new artworks can be added or updated.

Its funny how a description of the images are 'circle crops' and not 'crop circles'

I am such a banana head eh?

This is just a start but I'm really glad that the original concept actually works, will be tweeking the content as it grows of course, regarding the size of the circles etc., will be adjusting along the way with new pieces easily screwed into the plywood molecules with 1/4 inch wood screws and small drywall screws

The neat thing is, the more layers we apply the 'relief effect' off of the wall will increase creating a nice drop shadow effect.

I have been preparing the content in association with a variety of course disciplines at Northview and will be conferring with dept. heads for their recommendations as I go along.

The mural should reflect a value system shared by a progressive school. Still to be mounted on the mural are Canadian heroes,.. such as Terry Fox as well as Martin Luther King, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong along with Barrack Obama as well as others,... people of Cultural Importance,... Malala Yousafza,... Ghandhi,.. Nelson Mandela,.. etc.,

Why Dali? Some people think he's a knob,.... he just grabs your attention and is globally, a well known artist. I like Dali's stare more than Pablo Picasso's leer.

Einstein looks like he's had a few doesn't he?

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